WUXAL Success Stories - Afrasa in Spain

22.09.2020Spain is one of the biggest countries in Western Europe with an important agricultural production. A big share of the country has a semi-arid climate with poor rainfalls. Thus, about 20% of the total cultivated area is irrigated. The irrigated areas are highly productive and represent about 40% of crop production and 50% of agricultural exports.


The most-known region for agricultural production in Spain is probably Almería. Characterized by highly professional agriculture and a huge number of greenhouses, the harvested fruits and vegetables are mainly exported from there to other European countries.


The requirements for the products are challenging in various ways. We have to archive the highest yields and quality that persists until it is consumed in the end, even after long storage and transport. That’s why we only rely on sophisticated and highly effective products. Your investment in WUXAL will always be worth it.” (Miquel Villanueva, Marketing Manager for Afrasa, Spain)


Your investment in WUXAL will always be worth it.
Miquel Villanueva, Marketing Manager for Afrasa, Spain


The exclusive distribution partner of WUXAL products in Spain is Industrias Afrasa, which is a Spanish company and well known for their own premium-brand phytosanitary portfolio. Four years ago, it has been expanded by the WUXAL range to provide complete crop solutions for sophisticated farmers. “WUXAL contributes to the development of high-level agriculture in Spain as there is a direct relationship in quality, crop sanity and yield. We are convinced of the great value of WUXAL.” (Paula Cabrera, Marketing analyst for Afrasa, Spain)



The product that matches the characteristics and idea of agriculture in Spain best is WUXAL Calcium Xtra Uptake, which is called WUXAL Sus Calcio in Spain. It combines the value of quality, innovation, technology and advanced agriculture. That is why WUXAL Calcium Xtra Uptake is successful in a wide range of crops with big importance like fruit trees or vegetables.


WUXAL Calcium with the Xtra Uptake Technology enables high penetration of the applied nutrients into the leaves and fruits and Afrasa has conducted trials to show this effect very clearly. The increased calcium content in the plant ensures greater stability of the plant tissue and consequently gives the fruit greater firmness and thus a longer shelf life. In addition, it supports the resistance before and after harvest.


WUXAL Calcium Xtra Uptake increases nutrient contents in grape leaves

Nutrient Uptake of WUXAL Calcium


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